I read this book over a year ago and somehow completely forgot about it. This is a shame because it is quite good celebrity biography.
I was never a huge fan of Demi Moore, I mean I knew who she was when I saw her on-screen and I also knew who was she married with. But that was about it, I didn’t know her background.
Each time she appeared on a film I would admire her beauty, her figure, and usually long, glossy black hair. I remember seeing her appearing in Charlie’s angles II, I simply thought she is stunning for her age (I think I was fifteen at that time).
Her life was never easy. She had a difficult childhood, her mother and stepfather were constantly fighting and they moved a lot. Consequently, she was often a new girl at school that was far from being easy, but somehow, she found herself again through acting. Later she was struggling with an unhealthy lifestyle, but luckily at some point that was behind her.
I was surprised at how low her self-esteem was and how much she hated her body and strived to perfection.
A new fact for me was also that she became the highest-paid actress for her role in G. I. Jane in 1997.
I did not know she was married before she met Bruce Willis (he was not the perfect husband either).
Anyway, her style of writing is fluent, interesting, and never boring. Her story is full of emotions, personal struggles, and challenges. There’s a feeling she occasionally feels sorry for herself, but who would blame her.
According to her Instagram account, she looks much happier now and more content with her life. I am happy for her that she managed to retain a great relationship with her daughters and kept them close.
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